App Router Options
You may have noticed the {}
as the constructor argument when instantiating apps and routers. That is the init options of those classes, allowing you to customize or set app / router level options for routes registered under it.
Why Router First
The App
class extends Router
, init options in Router
are also available in App
. Therefore, this guide has placed the base class Router
at the beginning.
Router Options
This class is used for structuring big applications into multiple routers that is later included in the main app.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
tags? | string [] | List of tags to be applied to all routes. | [] |
deprecated? | boolean | Set the deprecated status to all routes. | false |
includeInSchema? | boolean | Set to include or exclude all routes from the generated OpenAPI document. | true |
responses? | Record <number , ResponseConfig > | Additional response schemas to all routes, shown in the generated OpenAPI document. | { 422: ... } |
defaultResponseClass? | ResponseClass | Default response class of all routes. | JSONResponse |
middleware? | Middleware <E >[] | List of middleware applied to this router, merged when included in higher level routers. | [] |
App Options
Main application class. Extends Router
All Router
init options plus:
Name | Type | Description | Default |
rootPath? | string | Root path of your application, a prefix that is not seen on the application but is seen by clients, like Worker Route Patterns and Swagger. | "/" |
title? | string | Title of the application (OpenAPI). | "Workery API" |
description? | string | Description of the application (OpenAPI). | "" |
version? | string | Version of the application (OpenAPI). | "0.1.0" |
tagsInfo? | TagObject [] | List of tag descriptions used by application routes. | [] |
servers? | ServerObject [] | List of connectivity information of the application (OpenAPI). | [{ url: this.rootPath }] |
contact? | ContactObject | Contact info of the application (OpenAPI) | undefined |
license? | LicenseObject | License info of the application (OpenAPI) | undefined |
termsOfService? | string | Terms of service info of the application (OpenAPI) | undefined |
openapiUrl? | null | string | Route path URL for serving the OpenAPI JSON document. | "/openapi.json" |
swaggerUrl? | null | string | Route path URL for serving the Swagger interactive documentation. | "/docs" |
redocUrl? | null | string | Route path URL for serving the ReDoc alternative documentation. | "/redoc" |
exceptionHandler? | ExceptionHandler <E > | Exception handler when an exception or error has occured during requests. | baseExceptionHandler |