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Basic Parameters

You can declare "parameters" or "variables" under the parameters key on route declaration, parameter declaration involves parameter constructors and zod schemas:

import { Path } from "workery/parameters"
import z from "zod"

app.get("/items/{itemId}", {
    parameters: {
        itemId: Path(z.string()),
    handle: ({ itemId }) => {
        return { itemId }

The value of the path parameter itemId will be validated on request and passed to your handler function as the argument itemId. These arguments are fully typed based on the schemas provided on declaration.

So, if you run this example and go to, you will see a response of:


You can define Query, Header, and Cookie the same way as defining a Path parameter above.

import { Path, Query, Header, Cookie } from "workery/parameters"

app.get("/items/{itemId}", {
    parameters: {
        itemId: Path(z.string()),
        page: Query(z.number()),
        X_Rate_Limit: Header(z.string()),
        yummy: Cookie(z.string().optional()),
    handle: ({ itemId, page, X_Rate_Limit, yummy }) => {
        return { itemId, page, X_Rate_Limit, yummy }

Cookies in Swagger

At the moment, sending cookies in Swagger is not possible. Making request to the example above in the interactive docs, yummy will always return undefined.

Reserved headers in Swagger

Sending reserved headers (e.g. Authorization, Accept) explicitly in Swagger will be ignored, as these headers are controlled by a different UI in Swagger (e.g. Accept is controlled by a dropdown menu in the response part of the UI), you must hide these headers by setting includeInSchema: false if they are defined as required for requests through Swagger to work.

Parameters Behavior

Path parameters requires declaration on route path using {} annotation.


Header parameters automatically replaces the _ character with -, preventing syntax error when accessing a header such as X-Rate-Limit in the handler.

X_Rate_Limit: Header(z.string())

This will register a header param using the key X-Rate-Limit both in the OpenAPI document and request validation.

Query parameters can be declared with array schemas, these accepts multiple query values for the same key and return them in an array.

selectedItems: Query(z.array(z.number())) // or
selectedItems: Query(z.number().array())

Complex Schemas

Sometimes, you may want schemas that are more complex than simple data types, here are some examples:

z.string().regex(/^\S*$/g) // regex no spaces
z.number().int().min(0) // positive integer
z.enum(["apple", "orange", "blueberry"]) // enums
z.nativeEnum({ a: 2, b: 3 }) // native enums

Optional and nullable schemas are different:

z.string().optional() // not required, can be undefined
z.string().nullable() // required! can be null

You can also provide a default value:

z.string().default("default") // returns "default" if not provided

For even more complex schemas, to the point that refinement or transformation is needed, you are required to manually declare the OpenAPI type if this is the case:

z.string().refine(/* ... */).openapi({ type: 'number' })

Alternative Name

You can declare parameters that is registered on an alternative name different from your parameter key in code.

page: Query(z.number(), { altName: "pageNum" })

This declares a pageNum query parameter and the value is assigned to the page argument on your handler.

Data Coercion

Data coercion is the process of automatic or implicit conversion of values from one data type to another. This is required for basic parameters because all incoming values are strings, these has to be converted to the correct data type before validation.

By default, a coercion preprocessor function is used if it detects that the schema meets coercion requirements, example of qualified schemas includes but not limited to:

  • ZodNumber
  • ZodBoolean
  • ZodNativeEnum
  • ZodArray<ZodNumber>
  • ZodArray<ZodBoolean>
  • ZodArray<ZodNativeEnum>
  • ZodOptional<ZodNumber>
  • ZodOptional<ZodBoolean>
  • ZodOptional<ZodNativeEnum>
  • ZodDefault<ZodNumber>
  • ZodDefault<ZodBoolean>
  • ZodDefault<ZodNativeEnum>

The coercion is determined using isJsonCoercible(schema) function from the workery/helpers module.

You can manually set a data preprocessor for a parameter:

Query(z.any(), { preprocessor: /*...*/ })

Other Options

You can provide a parameter description for the OpenAPI schemas:

page: Query(z.number(), { description: "Page Number" })

Or exclude it from the OpenAPI schemas:

page: Query(z.number(), { includeInSchema: false })


Excluding parameters from OpenAPI schemas will also remove it from the Swagger interactive docs, which may cause request to have incomplete data.

Type Annotations

All handler arguments are typed. In your editor, on your handler function you will get type annotations and code completion with their infered schema type.

Editor Param Type Hint

Zod OpenAPI

In rare cases, you may need to manually to modify the generated OpenAPI schemas from zod schemas. Thanks to the "@asteasolutions/zod-to-openapi" package, a method called openapi is injected to all zod types. Available .openapi() options:

    discriminator?: DiscriminatorObject;
    readOnly?: boolean;
    writeOnly?: boolean;
    xml?: XmlObject;
    externalDocs?: ExternalDocumentationObject;
    example?: any;
    examples?: any[];
    deprecated?: boolean;
    type?: SchemaObjectType | SchemaObjectType[];
    format?: 'int32' | 'int64' | 'float' | 'double' | 'byte' | 'binary' | 'date' | 'date-time' | 'password' | string;
    allOf?: (SchemaObject | ReferenceObject)[];
    oneOf?: (SchemaObject | ReferenceObject)[];
    anyOf?: (SchemaObject | ReferenceObject)[];
    not?: SchemaObject | ReferenceObject;
    items?: SchemaObject | ReferenceObject;
    properties?: {
        [propertyName: string]: SchemaObject | ReferenceObject;
    additionalProperties?: SchemaObject | ReferenceObject | boolean;
    propertyNames?: SchemaObject | ReferenceObject;
    description?: string;
    default?: any;
    title?: string;
    multipleOf?: number;
    maximum?: number;
    const?: any;
    exclusiveMaximum?: number;
    minimum?: number;
    exclusiveMinimum?: number;
    maxLength?: number;
    minLength?: number;
    pattern?: string;
    maxItems?: number;
    minItems?: number;
    uniqueItems?: boolean;
    maxProperties?: number;
    minProperties?: number;
    required?: string[];
    enum?: any[];
    prefixItems?: (SchemaObject | ReferenceObject)[];
    contentMediaType?: string;
    contentEncoding?: string;